EZVIZ Cameras have the option of setting a schedule for device alarm notifications – this schedule will determine when you want to receive notifications and when you want the alarms turned off.
Here is the step-by-step guide to enable you to perform this task:
(* The interface of the application may be different depending on the version update and the device model.)
1. Log in to your EZVIZ app.
2. Go to device settings > Message Notification > enable Receive Device Message.
3. Tap Device Reminder Plan and add a time segment, repeat the process for all the days you want the schedule to operate.
4. Use the check mark on the top right corner to save the schedule.
5. Once you have completed the scheduling process, exit that page and turn off the main switch for Receive Device Message and the schedule will take effect next time segment you set.
Then you will receive the events on the Library page. If you want to receive the notifications pushed to your phone as well, turn on the EZVIZ APP Notification switch.
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